Carlos A. Arcos, A Law Corporation

Elder Care Planning Attorney

In Service Training at Your Facility

Probate, Trust Administration and Medi-Cal

In-Service training sessions are offered by Attorney Carlos Arcos and include up-to-date information a as well as information regarding  obstacles and solutions.

In Service programs are interactive,
interesting, and designed exclusively for


Social Services
Billing Offices
Business Offices

To schedule an In Service training session
for your organization, please call


Common questions answered at In Service
training sessions include the following:
  • What are the FOUR methods to Avoid Probate?
  • How should an Estate Plan be set up?
  • How do we use the Medi-Cal "unavailability rules" to obtain coverage when there is no access to bank funds?
  • What are the Hunt v. Kizer and Principe v. Belshe rulings, and how can these be used to help a patient qualify for retroactive Medi-Cal?